Friday, November 26, 2010

Calling all Control Boats...

Want to be a control boat during the parade ? Your boat will be anchored front and center with all other spectator watercraft behind you. Your boat helps define the parade channel. 

Simply call 954-767-0686 to sign up ! The Control Boat meeting is December 1st - 6pm at the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Winterfest Family Day presented by FPL

Join us on the SUNDAY, November 28, 2010 - 12:00pm to 4:00pm  for the Winterfest Family Day presented by FPL at the Riverside Hotel Lawn along Las Olas Blvd.

At this free family event, kids enjoy numerous events such as animal displays, pie eating contest, face painting, TV dance performances, sumo wrestling,bounce house, cloggers, singers, photos with Santa, and much more !

Then make your plans for the Winterfest Boat Parade on Saturday, December 11th, 2010.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Parade Decorating Tip #1: Music

Can you imagine going to a dance without music? Music makes the mood and generates the excitement. If you want the winning edge in the boat parade you need to add a sound system. You need to entertain – especially to be picked for the PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARD (the lucky winner will receive a trip to California). Think of all the music you can add that will sail home the theme of the event and the individual magic of your vessel.

Sound effects CD’s and movie themes can add unique qualities to a boat. Don’t forget there is an award for best sound. If you want to win an overall award sound is a factor in the judging. The entire boating experience is enhanced not only for the viewers but also for you and your passengers. If sight is the only sense you stimulate you are missing the boat! Call Jack at MAE, Music Arts Enterprises for questions at 954-581-2203. Have some fun but be sure to make some noise (music)!

1) Home systems are ok, but generally are not adequate for use in an outdoor, noisy environment. Generally, home speakers, amplifiers, and components are not built for use at the prolonged, loud volumes needed for this type of event. A pair of 500 watt speakers in your living room may be more than enough, but will barely cover a 100’ x 100’ area outdoors. General rule for sound: 15 watts per person for an outdoor system. Add to the equation the distance from where your speakers are located, to where the spectators, and that number is closer to 20 watts per person.

2) Whatever system you decide on using, remember – the higher a speaker is placed, the wider an area of ‘coverage’. Keep in mind that a 2000 watt system would require 20 amperes (amps) of power which could be found on most vessels. 10,000 watts – 100 amps, and so on. At a certain point a generator is required. Smaller generators, 5000 watts (50 amps) or less are as noisy and produce as much exhaust as a lawnmower. Thus, these would need to be placed in the stern of the boat, as far as possible from the loudspeakers. Be careful with the heat of the exhaust, in small spaces this could cause a problem or even a fire !

3) Other components to your system would be a CD player, mixer/preamp to control your volume, an equalizer to tune your system, and of course and amplifier to power your speakers. Generally, it is always better to have a more powerful amp(s) than speakers. Contrary to what most people believe, it is easier to blow or damage a loudspeaker, by under-powering it with a small amp. This is due to the fact that the amp will go into clip (distortion) long before the speaker is up at full power, and that distortion will damage the speakers. Also, say you have a 100 watt speaker paired to a 150 watt amplifier, the amplifier is running cool because you don’t need to run it at full power. This is what referred to as ‘headroom’. This makes for a better, clearer sounding system.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Parade Decorating Tip #2: Lighting a Boat

Many boat owners enjoy participating in a boat parade. Boat parades at Christmas time bring joy to both boaters and onlookers. With the reflection on the water, holiday lights sparkle. Here are a few tips to help you decorate your boat for a Holiday boat parade.
Make a decorating plan for your boat. Decide if there is enough room for a Christmas tree; make sure it doesn't block the captain's view so he can safely navigate. Decide if you can use plug in Christmas lights or if you need battery operated lights. Decide on the type of decorations you want to use. For instance, it may be a themed Christmas boat parade requiring special decorations. Keep in mind that the decorations need to be visible from the shore. Small decorations are difficult to see.
Buy only decorations and Christmas lights that are rated for outdoor use. If you are using battery-operated lights, make sure you have plenty of batteries on hand. Be sure to check each string of lights before you hang them. Remember that both sides of the boat will be seen if you are making a circle during the Christmas boat parade. The Christmas tree or Santa Claus on a sleigh should be placed high on the boat and in the center.

Use rope lights whenever possible on your boat. Rope lights are easier to string and won't get caught on netting or small items. Use bright colored or white lights because the lights will be the background for the rest of your decorations. People watching the boat parade are usually far away and can only see decorations that are brightly lit
Decorate with two or three color combinations only. If you use too many colors, the whole boat will become a blur to the spectators because of the reflection on the water. Place a few more strings of lights to outline the shape of your boat, and the whole decorating scheme will become clear to those viewing the Christmas boat parade.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Winterfest & Non Profits

Amanda Blake, 2009 Parade Captain
We are two months away from the 2010 Seminole Hard Rock Winterfest Boat Parade, Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 6:30pm. Winterfest would like to see our boating community team up with their neighbors to secure a boat, decorate it, fill it with festive passengers, and enter it in this year's boat parade!

Entering the parade is much simpler than most people think!
Winterfest is here to help you along the way. We can help you with decorating tips, charter suggestions, parade procedures, etc.. This year's theme is "Dancing Thru The Decades".  The Winterfest Boat Parade is the world's most watched boat parade, the largest spectator event in the State of Florida, the 7th largest spectator event in the country, and the top 20th parade in the world !

We are excited about implementing a new program into this year's parade. This year we are encouraging every boat entry to represent a charity of their choice. This concept is actively embraced by the local non-profit community and the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, the main event sponsor. We anticipate dynamic parade participation by some of the area's most prominent charities in this year's parade! This charity participation can be accomplished in one of several forms:
  • Our preferred option involves a charity working with the boating community to secure a boat entry . This evolves from the charity's initiative. The charity can ask a friend or associate to host their charity on their boat or charter their own boat. The charity can help decorate the boat, create the signage, and staff the boat with their own passengers thereby creating a fundraising opportunity. Winterfest is researching a number of cost effective boat charter opportunities to help charities accomplish this option. A private boat entry hosting a non-profit will only be charged a $35 entry fee.
  • Another option involves a charity's banner or sign being displayed on each side of a boat owned by an existing parade entry. This option is at the discretion and preference of the boat owner. Winterfest will ask existing boat parade entries if they would like to represent a charity on their boat with signage. This will not be a parade requirement but if they are receptive, we will give them the option to choose their own charity.
  • Finally, on occasion a special showboat parade entry may present to Winterfest a fundraiser opportunity on their boat. This would allow a charity to charge a designated number of passengers a fee to ride the showboat during the parade.  

Check out our "Winterfest & Non Profits" tab along the top of this blog.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Boater's Meeting Tonight at CRYC!

Coral Ridge Yacht Club
2800 Yacht Club Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale

Wednesday, November 10th at 5:30 pm
The club will have hors d’oeuvres & beverages as we showcase another great location on the parade route.